General price list

Over 19 years old
4-18 years old
Over 65 years old
75 years and over
One-time ticket 250 yen 150 yen
Coupons (11 times) 2,500 yen 1,500 yen
4-hour ticket 2,500 yen 1,000 yen
One-day ticket 3,000 yen 1,200 yen 2,300 yen 1,800 yen
Season Ticket 30,000 yen 12,000 yen
  • * If you are using a senior ticket, please present a date of birth.
  • *Adults must be 19 years of age or older, and children must be between 4 and 18 years old. Free for children under 3 years old.

Group price list

Group discount (1 day) 2,700YEN
Coupons (11 sheets spelled) 2,300 yen
  • * Group rates are applicable from 10 people or more.
  • *Adults must be 19 years of age or older, and children must be between 4 and 18 years old.